With April Fools' Day Over, Nation Returns To Believing All Politicians, Reporters, Websites
U.S. · Apr 2, 2019 · BabylonBee.com

U.S. - With April Fools' Day behind them, the nation announced it would return to believing everything that politicians, reporters, and websites tell them.

When the day of jokes and pranks arrived, Americans were ready to question everything politicians said. They were ready to be skeptical of things they saw on the news. People even took a good, hard look at things on the internet and asked themselves if they were true before they believed them. But now that April Fools' Day is over, the nation is once again embracing its favorite pastime of falling for absolutely everything from all of these sources.

"I am glad I can believe everything politicians, the mainstream media, and people on the internet tell me again," said one man in Iowa. "For a full 24 hours, I had to think critically. I'm really happy that's all behind us now."

"My chosen political candidates would never lie to me now that April Fools' Day is done," said another man in Connecticut. "And I'll swallow every word my favorite news station has to say about 'em."

The nation confirmed that no matter how outlandish a lie propagated by politicians, spread by the media, and confirmed by the internet appeared to be, they would trip over themselves to be the first one to fall for it.


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