Vox Calls For Dictionary.com To Take Down Definitions Of Words They Don’t Like
Politics · Jun 10, 2019 · BabylonBee.com

NEW YORK, NY - Carlos Maza, a video journalist who works for Vox has been calling out Dictionary.com for posting definitions of words that are "very upsetting."  "I've informed Dictionary.com of the many definitions I find abusive and problematic. They have done nothing. I don't know what else to say. They obviously support murder, racism, and other troubling words."

Maza and others at Vox had been sending tweets to Dictionary.com for weeks in an attempt to expose the many definitions that they believe go too far, or don't go far enough. "I keep refreshing the definition of the word 'words' and still it says nothing about literal violence," Maza said in a live stream. "Even worse, the word 'justice' still doesn't have the word social in front of it at all times. And the definition of abuse is way, way, way too limited."

Maza could not be reached for further questions because according to his Twitter account, he had just discovered that Dictionary.com and Thesaurus.com were posting many of the same definitions and seemed to be working in cahoots. "Someone has to expose this," he tweeted. "These websites are clearly in bed not only with each other but also the alt-right."

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