To Avoid Problems With Lyric Slides, Innovative Church Prints Out Songs And Compiles Them Into Book
Church · Jun 5, 2019 ·

SEATTLE, WA - In order to avoid the inevitable errors and hiccups that occur with lyric slides and projectors, an innovative, cutting-edge church in Seattle has come up with a novel solution: the church is printing out all the songs they sing and compiling them in a series of books. The books will be placed around the room so that anyone can grab one and sing along, with no technological preparation necessary from the tech team.

"This is a whole new way to sing songs in church," Pastor Todd Martin told reporters. "We were trying to come up with a modern, inventive solution to all the errors our tech guys kept making every week. Then it hit me like the chorus of '10,000 Reasons': why not put them on paper, slap them all in a book, and pass them out?"

"We call them 'songnals,'" he added.

The books even have the sheet music associated with each song printed right on the page, so those with even the most basic musical training can follow along with a song they've never heard before. The notes confused the worship band, however, so Pastor Martin had special "Worship Team editions" printed that just have the chord change that occurs every other line printed above the lyrics.

In order to foster a sense of unity, the church also replaced its individual chairs with innovative new communal benches throughout its sanctuary.

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