Redditor Takes Ten-Minute Break From Browsing Porn To Lecture Christians On Morality
Internet · May 13, 2016 ·

MONTGOMERY, AL - Redditor Jason Nixon, 32, took a ten-minute break from a three-hour marathon of browsing the popular website Reddit's filthiest, most deplorable subreddits in order to engage with an online debate on morality and ethics with an apparent Christian, sources confirmed Friday.

Going by the handle "DieFundies83," Nixon was allegedly attempting to navigate to a yet another subreddit page that collects and displays hundreds of thousands of disgusting and shocking pornographic images. But Nixon mistakenly clicked on the website's "Random page" button, taking him to a subreddit in which people of various faiths debate one another over various issues.

Spotting a post from a self-declared Christian claiming that the Bible was the proper, God-given metric by which any sense of personal morality is to be judged, Nixon unleashed all the knowledge he had gained from several years of browsing memes featuring Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson in the website's r/atheism subreddit, "totally schooling" the believer. According to sources, he was unfortunately banned from the subreddit however, as his post violated seven of the moderator's rules of conduct.

Having fired off his knockout salvo, Nixon immediately left the page and resumed his despicable and shameful consumption of obscene and appalling images that he was only able to view without gagging due to over twelve years of intense desensitization, according to sources.

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