Podcast #12: Church Camp Horror Stories
The Babylon Bee · Aug 30, 2019 · BabylonBee.com

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In the twelfth episode of The Babylon Bee podcast, editor-in-chief Kyle Mann and creative director Ethan Nicolle talk about the strange world of church camp, both sharing their own experiences as well as stories that were sent in by readers. As usual, a few news stories are covered and hate mail is dramatically reenacted by Dave.

Stories of the Week

7:47 Chick-Fil-A Installs Confessionals So You Can Repent From Eating At Popeyes

(Also includes Judas Isacriot Eats Popeyes and the Trumpets stories)

(13:46) CNN: 'Our Ratings Are Only Tanking Because Trump Is Killing Off Viewers By The Millions'

(17:25) Jesus Ratioed On Twitter For Saying 'Love Your Enemies'

(23:02) Main Topic: Church Camp Horror Stories

(1:00:23) Hate Mail!

(1:06:00) Paid Subscriber-Exclusive Portion: More church camp horror stories

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