Jesus Wondering Who Little White Baby In Nativity Scene Is Supposed To Be
Christian Living · Dec 12, 2018 ·

HEAVEN - Sources close to the resurrected, glorified Jesus Christ confirmed Wednesday that He was "slightly confused" over who exactly the little Caucasian baby in a local nativity scene is supposed to be.

Multiple angelic sources claim there was a significant amount of confusion over why millions of homes all over the world are currently featuring a little statue of a pasty white newborn.

Angels assigned to investigate were similarly puzzled. "It's like, is this kid from some sci-fi franchise or what?" one angel wondered aloud to cowering reporters. "Oh, get up, stop grovelling, don't be afraid, you know the drill. Anyway, I just don't understand who on earth this child could possibly be."

One angelic investigation team pointed out that the scene in which the young child is featured bears some resemblence to the biblical account of Christ's birth. The team suggested that perhaps these "nativity scenes" are intended to remember Christ's incarnation each and every year. However, the idea was rejected due to the fact that none of the characters were Jewish. "So we're ruling that out," an angel said. "Our best theory is that it's Neo from The Matrix, or perhaps Luke Skywalker."

At publishing time, the Magi were wondering what they were doing in the scene in the first place.

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