Churches To Send Greeters Door To Door During Remote Services
Church · Mar 24, 2020 ·

U.S. - As more churches across the country are forced to cancel their in-person fellowship time, there's one element that many people are missing: church greeters.

But many churches are rising to the occasion and sending out their greeters to smile and say good morning to each church member one on one.

"Welcome to Grace Sojourners Fellowship. It's great to have you with us today!" said one cheery greeter after knocking on the door of one horrified church member. "We're so pumped that you decided to join us this morning! Take a bulletin and have a seat wherever you feel most comfortable, on your couch in front of your TV or whatever."

"God bless you!" The greeters then come around the neighborhood after the church service ends and say goodbye to everyone, telling them to "have a great week" and to "come back soon."

"It's just not a church service if you don't have an impossibly cheery guy shaking your hand and saying good morning," said Pastor Al Werner as he commissioned his church greeters to go out to all the neighborhood and make people feel uncomfortable. "This is the best way to just love on people and do life together and just live out the gospel incarnationally in a gospel-centered, gospelly way."

The nation's churchgoers responded passionately to the move, saying, "NOOOOOOO!!!"

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