Christian Camp Premieres 400-Foot Trust Fall
Christian Living · Oct 7, 2016 ·

SIERRA NEVADA, CA - Alpine Youth Camp is a place of inspiration and encouragement, where youth are continually challenged to think through and live out their extreme faith in a counter-cultural way, and camp leaders are always looking for ways to push the envelope as they help young believers learn what it means to really own their faith.

This fall, for the first time ever, weekend youth retreats heading to Alpine Youth will get to enjoy a new "trust fall" program, where campers will lean backward off a 400-foot cliff face and plummet to the bottom, where their fellow teammates will be waiting to catch them.

"You don't know the real meaning of faith until you've closed your eyes and just let yourself fall into the waiting arms of your team at around 110 miles per hour," Camp Chief Troy Bird told reporters as he showed off the "drop spot."

While journalists were unable to obtain interviews with anyone who's experienced the attraction yet, Bird assured the press that the extreme trust fall is one-hundred percent awesome.

"It may not be safe. It may be risky. But it's the first step on your journey toward really encountering Jesus for the first time," he said.

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